The old town in both Salzburg and Innsbruck were astonishing. The view from the fortress was mysteriously beautiful. The lights portrayed the shapes and sizes of the buildings in the city but you can not actually see everything like in Boston (wave of homesickness...). Everything in Boston is so much bigger and brighter which illuminates more of the surrounding buildings, streets and parks.
Innsbruck's high and centralized view of the city was from up top of the . We had to climb up 148 stairs to get there and it was well worth it. The irrigation system of the rooftops was well planned and efficient. I like it better than modern gutters.
I walked the city alone the second day there. Five of the students went to Munich early, and five went to Venice for the day. My brother was the only other student who had no minutes on his phone. I had the city to myself and my camera; this was my favorite part of the trip, which is surprising to myself. I generally enjoy peoples company, laughing, talking, and having a good time exploring. It was revitalizing to just wandered by myself letting my feet take me where ever they wanted to go. No compromises, no complaints, no worry if I was lost or going to be late. My mind was clear and I remembered my high school photography class and many of the rules that add to a good photograph. Within the three hours I was completely free I took photo's of the city capturing the city life and its architectural beauty with stunning alps shining through wherever they pleased. I found so many cool things and places that I normally would not have seen if i was with other people. I found a hidden section of wooded walking paths with a
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