I interviewed my friend Brandon and my brother Steve. I have directed them both in Reality Check, so they have seen me in a professional sense and as a friend. I have only known Brandon for this past semester, and Steve my entire life :) As you can see we're very close and get along really well.

Brandon said my strengths are that I am a firm speaker and I get my point across with ease and fineness, and that I back up my point if someone tries to break it down. Also that I am really engaging when i am talking with people, that it lets them know i am really listening. Steve says that i know how to make people laugh, and i surround myself with good people. Also that i am straight-forward with people and can let them know my opinion of them through body language or speaking.
Brandon said that a weakness is that sometimes i can be too blunt. I tend to speak my mind a lot, and that in the professional world would need to think more about what i am going to say before speaking. Even though i do not intend to offend anybody, it can be very startling. Also that when i get overwhelmed i start to break down. Steve said that it is hard for me to take criticism, that i will only listen to it to an extent before i shut them out.
Even though i tend to understand peoples feelings well, i do not want to offend anybody. So, I feel like i should work on putting up a slight filter to consider other peoples feelings more. I was not aware of how blunt i have become. I used to hide from the truth, and since i have learned to see things for how they are, i think i tend to expect others to want the plain truth. Also i need to work on being able to take constructive criticism and actually listen to what people are telling me, instead of being a baby.
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